
We supply assembly and testing devices from a single source. Our plant engineering designs and manufactures according to your wishes and offers you with our many years of experience an optimal design with the highest quality requirements.

From the joint creation of specifications, design, production, programming and commissioning to service, you receive the complete solution for your automation. Whether pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical, your work processes are implemented precisely and ensure high plant availability through the combination of state-of-the-art measuring and testing systems.

Automatic hot riveting system

  • Anlage zum Heißvernieten mehrerer Kunststoffbauteile mittels Temperierstempel (patentiertes Verfahren)
  • Halbautomatische Vorrichtung
  • Schnittstelle zum Intranet
  • Mit Labelstation

Im Auftrag für deutsche Automobilhersteller


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Testing device

  • Vollautomatische Prüf- und Montagelinie für Befeuchterkammern als Transfersystem
  • Vorrichtung zum Bördeln und Prüfen von Kunststoffkammern für die Medizintechnik 
  • Manuell umgesetzte Fertigungsschritte wurden in dieser neuen Montagelinie komplett automatisiert
  • Rundtischlösung
Im Auftrag für WILAmed

// weltweit agierender Hersteller und Händler von medizinischen Geräten und Zubehör

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Modular production cells

  • Basic devices for the production of electrical components
  • Units can be easily arranged in rows
  • Communication takes place via QR code on the workpiece carriers

Rotary table assembling of valve parts

  • Fully automatic device for assembling valve parts
  • Integrated camera inspection

Contact mounting in sensor housing

  • Contacts are provided by coils
  • Contacts are cut off the strip and installed in a monitored manner
  • Sensor housings are provided via sorting conveyors
  • Storage in packaging units
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Hot riveting unit

  • Servo-pneumatic basic device for welding various plastic components

Clip assembly

  • Fully automatic joining via a "Scara" robot from clamps to plastic carrier parts
  • Integrated camera inspection and labeling station
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Socket assembly

  • Fully automatic assembly of contact sockets in injection moulded parts
  • Integrated force and contact testing
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Pre-assembly of plug contacts

  • Fully automatic pre-assembly of plastic pins in plastic carrier systems for plug-in systems
  • Integrated force and displacement measurement
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